This article doesn’t require previous knowledge. You might still want to visit the landing page of the language first.
The bruijn programming language is basically pure lambda calculus with a sprinkle of syntactic sugar. It has no side effects, just monadic input and output. It doesn’t even have any primitive functions like arithmetic operations.
Well, what can the language do, then? And how can this be even remotely performant?
To explain the basic concepts of the programming language, let me first remind you of the rules of the lambda calculus. It basically has three types of expressions:
represents another
accepts an argument
and binds it to expression E
It’s helpful to think of abstractions as anonymous functions.(f x)
applies f
– the standard convention allows repeated
left-associative application: (f x y z)
(((f x) y) z)
.Not too complicated, right? Combining these expressions and removing
redundant parentheses can result in expressions like
λx.λy.x y
, basically representing a function with two
parameters that uses its second parameter as an argument for its
Evaluating expressions is called reduction. There’s only one
rule you need to know: (λx.E A)
E[x := A]
– that is, calling an abstraction with an
argument substitutes the argument inside the expression of the
abstraction. There are many different kinds of reduction techniques, but
they basically all come back to this simple rule – mainly because of the
“Church-Rosser theorem” that states that the order of reduction doesn’t
change the eventual result.
Expressions in lambda calculus can get really big. Writing “real-world” functions in pure lambda calculus results in a big mess of variable names. Due to the fact that there’s no strict rule on shadowing variables, inferring the binding of identifiers is not always trivial. Especially if we want to write an algorithm that compares two expressions, we first need to convert the identifiers within both expressions to some kind of standardised format before we can compare it (“alpha conversion”). This sucks.
You could solve this by just not repeating/shadowing variables. Unfortunately this is really bad for usability and readability – as I said, expressions can get really big.
Luckily, there’s a solution: De Bruijn indices. They replace the
concept of identifiers by using numeric references to the abstraction
layer. Let me explain using an example: The expression λx.x
becomes λ0
– the 0
refers to the
first parameter of the abstraction. Subsequently, the
expression λx.λy.x y
becomes λλ1 0
Interestingly enough, the more I’ve worked with De Bruijn indices, the more comfortable I felt with coding using them directly. So much so, that I’ve decided to name the language after De Bruijn himself. Thinking about “variables” in terms of abstraction layer depth has helpful consequences for functional thinking and makes techniques like currying much more enjoyable.
I still don’t like this syntax, though. Actually writing multiple
expressions after another often requires explicit parentheses to denote
the start and end of the abstractions/applications – for example
applying λ0
to λλ1 0
results in
(λ0 λλ1 0)
, or to make it even actually recognizable,
(λ0)(λλ(1 0))
Let me propose a better, more readable syntax: How about explicitly
specifying the start and end of all abstractions and therefore
eliminating the need for the λ
symbol simultaneously? Such
start and end symbols should obviously differ from the application
notation (round brackets) – so how about using square brackets?1
Writing λλ1 0
in bruijn’s syntax then becomes [[1 0]]
The application of λ0
and λλ1 0
becomes [0] [[1 0]]
– neat!
Let’s first have some kind of syntax for defining substitution rules
so we can reuse expressions without needing to rewrite them. Bruijn then
only evaluates the main
expression. Identifiers in bruijn are lower case words, we can therefore
just write the name of the identifier and its definition – we don’t even
need an equal sign!
id [0]
# [0] [0] ⤳ [0]
still-id id id
# 'main' is now [0]
main still-id
As bruijn has no primitive functions, every operation has to be coded manually. That’s why bruijn has a comprehensive standard library, implementing many of the default operations for numbers/bytes/strings. Keep in mind that the standard library is obviously still raw bruijn code though.
Files can either be imported into a namespace (capital word) or the current environment (.):
:import std/Pair P
:import std/Logic .
main [P.pair true false]
Only top-level definitions get imported using :import
. If you
also want to import second-level definitions (for example imported
definitions from the other file), you can use :input
Bruijn supports basic scoping using indentation:
foo [[0]]
bar [0] foo
foo [[1]]
# foo is still '[[0]]'
# bar is '[0] [[1]]'
main [[0 foo bar]]
The main function always gets called with the program’s argument. If we don’t want to use it, we just don’t refer to it by creating a redundant abstraction!
Syntactic sugar provides huge improvements regarding usability and
readability: For example, you can encode numbers in lambda calculus
using the “Church encoding”. Basically, it’s just a
repeated application of arguments – therefore encoding data using
abstraction references. The church-encoded decimal number
is represented as [[1 (1 (1 (1 (1 0))))]]
One can only imagine how long big numbers can get – nobody wants to type
that! Instead, bruijn provides the equivalent (+5u)
, where
denotes the base of the number (in this case, unary).
Some other examples of syntactic sugar:
# balanced ternary numbers (the default base)
(+5) ⤳ (+5t)
(+5t) ⤳ [[[[(2 (2 (1 3)))]]]]
# balanced ternary numbers can even be negative!
(-5) ⤳ [[[[(1 (1 (2 3)))]]]]
# binary numbers
(+5b) ⤳ [[[(1 (0 (1 2)))]]]
# characters (binary-encoded)
'a' ⤳ [[[(1 (0 (0 (0 (0 (1 (1 (0 2))))))))]]]
# strings (characters as list)
"abc" ⤳ [((0 [[[(1 (0 (0 (0 (0 (1 (1 (0 2))))))))]]]) [((0 [[[(0 (1 (0 (0 (0 (1 (1 (0 2))))))))]]]) [((0 [[[(1 (1 (0 (0 (0 (1 (1 (0 2))))))))]]]) [[0]])])])]
I hope it’s obvious why such syntactic sugar is really important for bruijn. If you want to understand the specifics of the internal representation of such syntactic sugar, I highly recommend my article “Data structures in pure lambda calculus”.
An elegant way of making the code more readable is the introduction of so-called mixfixes. Inspired by languages like Agda, we can define mixfix functions using special characters and “substitution holes”:
:import std/Number .
…+… add
# returns 5 + 3 = 8
main [(+5) + (+3)]
Or something more advanced:
# mixfixes get resolved from left to right: ((2 - 1) + 0)
{…<$>…|… [[[2 - 1 + 0]]]
# returns (5 - 2) + 1 = 4
main [{ (+5) <$> (+2) | (+1)]
You can also define prefix functions. They are similar to mixfix functions, but don’t require spaces between their name and arguments and only allow a single argument:
# defines a negation prefix function called '-'
-‣ [(+0) - 0]
# returns 0 - 10 = -10
main [-(+10)]
Actually solving problems using bruijn is not always that simple.
Especially if you’re not using the already defined functions from the
standard library. If you’re interested how basic functions like add
or pair
implemented, feel free to browse the open-source code on GitHub or the
automatically generated documentation.
One of the most important procedures of programming are loops and recursion. Both are not available in pure lambda calculus as well as bruijn, as they would add unnecessary complexity.
Luckily, logicians like Haskell Curry and Alan Turing have found some ways to implement the behaviour of recursion without actually having recursive calls (mind-blown). There are great articles online like this explaining the exact behaviour better than I ever could. So let’s just look at how these so-called “fixed-point combinators” can be implemented in bruijn:
# y combinator (very popular)
y [[1 (0 0)] [1 (0 0)]]
# z combinator
z [[1 [1 1 0]] [1 [1 1 0]]]
# turing combinator
θ [[0 (1 1 0)]] [[0 (1 1 0)]]
Now imagine we want to add the numbers from
and return the result. The standard library has great functions for such
operations already, but let’s try doing this by only using the y
the +
mixfix function, the --
function (decrements a number by one), and the =?
function (returns true
if the
number is zero, false
First, we look at how languages like Haskell could solve such a problem without using pattern matching:
sum x = if x == 0 then 0 else x + (sum (x - 1))
Representing if
in bruijn can be done using the std/Logic
library and its if
or …?…:…
functions. However, one of the neat things about the representation of
booleans in bruijn is that we can actually write conditions even
true [[1]]
false [[0]]
# returns 42 if the argument is true, -42 if false
foo [0 (+42) (-42)]
Okay, so we know that the function should basically be [=?0 (+0) (0 + magic)]
where magic
is some
kind of recursive call. This is where we use the y
Its usage introduces one additional abstraction representing the
recursive call:
sum y [[=?0 (+0) (0 + (1 --0))]]
And yes, it works: sum (+3)
returns (+6)
One of the greatest features of Haskell (in my opinion) is laziness.
You can easily do things like take 3 $ map (*2) [1..]
returning [2,4,6]
Haskell supports many different kinds of laziness – I want to focus on
the laziness of lists though.
Since bruijn should represent pure lambda calculus as closely as possible, it’s not acceptable to implement some kind of special reduction strategy for lazy evaluation. Instead, bruijn uses the very common call-by-need reduction strategy (specifically, the RKNL abstract machine), which yields automagic laziness for many kinds of terms.
The list representation I’ve chosen for bruijn is quite similar to
Lisp-like languages: A list is just a repeated application of pairs. In
bruijn, a pair can be defined as [0 (+4) (+2)]
constructed by [[[0 2 1]]]
(as I said, more information can be found in my article “Data structures in pure lambda
Constructing infinite lists can then easily be done using the y
For example:
# uses the y combinator and the pair constructor ':'
iterate y [[[0 : (2 1 (1 0))]]]
Using this, (iterate ++‣ (+0))
results in ((+0) : ((+1) : ((+2) : ((+3) : ...
Now to the amazing part: Writing a take
and map
while being especially careful regarding reduction order, results in the
following code:
:import std/List .
:import std/Number .
# equivalent of Haskell's `take 3 $ map (*2) [1..]`
foo take (+3) (map (mul (+2)) (iterate ++‣ (+1)))
Several functions in std/List
like {…|…}
make such lazy operations even easier.
Lambda calculus naturally supports currying – that is, only partially applying a function. In bruijn, currying (or schönfinkeling, to be historically accurate) is therefore a great way to make functions even more elegant.
As a matter of fact, we used currying in the previous examples: (mul (+2))
is the partially applied multiplication function – the fully expanded
form would be [mul (+2) 0]
However, you need to be careful: Some functions don’t want to reduce
into a normal form if they’re not given enough arguments. For example,
just writing add
without any
arguments results in an infinite loop due to its pseudo-recursive
As originally proposed by John Tromp in their legendary algorithmic information theory
paper, bruijn supports “monadic” I/O by calling the main
with a lazy list of input bytes. Monadic because the bytes can
then be read/written using typical monadic operations like bind
(see std/Monad
for more). The resulting reduced expression then represents the
Aside from that, the input can obviously also be interpreted as a raw
linked list using the std/List
:import std/List .
# reverse the input list
main [<~>0]
You can then pass some data using echo "tacocat" | bruijn reverse.bruijn
If you already looked at the standard library, you might have realised that bruijn seems to support type annotations.
While full type-checking is planned for the future (low priority, to be honest), the current implementation purely aids the searchability and readability of functions. The only check currently applied to type annotations is a basic syntax check.
They’re still useful for at least one thing: Similarly to Haskell’s search engine Hoogle, the Broogle script enables you to search functions by type, name or comment:
./broogle.sh -t "a -> a"
./broogle.sh -f "i"
./broogle.sh -c "idiot combinator"
A very important part of bruijn I didn’t mention yet is its
development style. Originally inspired by Racket, using the :test (...) (...)
command enables rapid trial-and-error using test driven development
(TDD). It also serves as continuous performance and correctness testing,
as tests in libraries get executed on every import automatically.
Another great development tool of bruijn is its REPL. You can
evaluate expressions directly instead of needing to write a main
everytime. Therefore we do actually need an =
sign between
an identifier and its definition. Other than that it works just like any
other REPL but with several cool features.
You can use :watch <path>
to watch and re-test a file on every save, :time <exp>
to measure the reduction time of an expression, :blc <exp>
to view the compiled version of the unreduced and reduced expressions,
or :length <exp>
to see the length of the corresponding compiled code.
Bruijn can be compiled to John Tromp’s binary lambda calculus (BLC).
The bruijn
executable supports reading and writing of bit-wise as well as ASCII
encodings of BLC. The resulting executables can be remarkably small, in
many cases also remarkably big.
Using an expression multiple times just repeats the expressions in the compiled BLC. This clearly results in huge redundancy – therefore I have plans to implement an optimizer/compressor that combines duplicate expressions.
It’s obvious that a language based on pure lambda calculus without using primitive functions can’t be fast – that is, in comparison with other functional languages.
However, it’s probably not as slow as you think. Especially optimized functions are very performant. For example, bruijn uses the results of an investigation by Torben Mogensen to implement very efficient operations on balanced ternary numbers.
We can use the :time
in bruijn’s REPL to get some performance statistics:
# calculates 2^142 (big)
# > 0.49 seconds
:time (iterate (mul (+2)) (+1)) !! (+100)
# calculates 42! (huge)
# > 0.58 seconds
:time [∏ (+1) → 0 | i] (+42)
Bruijn uses the RKNL abstract machine to implement a “call-by-need” reduction strategy. This results in very fast reduction times while keeping the memory usage comparatively low. Bruijn also utilizes Haskell’s optimizations regarding laziness and multi-threading.
Other functions like string/binary/unary operations are quite slow though. Many performance improvements are still needed – feel free to contribute!
Comparing bruijn’s RKNL implementation with the reference data from
the paper, I’ve realized some weird complexity deviation: Reducing
expressions of the family [(+Nu) [0 0] 0]
where N
is an arbitrary integer, should consume
memory and time. However, the memory and time complexity is more like
– huh!
I’ve tried analyzing the Haskell code and there seems to be an issue with the way we use hashmaps. As this article explains, strict hashmaps in Haskell are not really strict. The memory “space leak” could therefore be a result of redundantly copying data in the reducer. The change in time complexity would then mainly be the result of redundant garbage collection. The reason could also very well be something else – I’m still investigating!
Space leaks in general are very common in bruijn – especially noticeable in its REPL. As debugging them is very annoying, I’ve actually tried writing the reducer in C here but its performance is even worse (although I have plans for it, so I’ll probably optimize it soon).
The language is slow, the syntax is hard, and coding in bruijn can make you quite angry – so why would anyone ever want to use it?
To be honest, I don’t completely know the answer. I can’t really explain why but, in the end, it’s actually really enjoyable playing around with the language. Finally getting something to work is really fulfilling and almost always elegantly beautiful.
I mean, it’s obvious that De Bruijn indices were never intended as a human-readable replacement for variables. But it’s still fun.
I hope I sparked your interest in bruijn or (at least) lambda calculus and functional programming in general.
Feel free to contribute on GitHub. For example, many improvements can be made regarding performance of the standard library and reduction strategies (start by grepping TODO).
If you want to learn more about bruijn or lambda calculus, I highly suggest visiting the following pages:
Suggest improvements or fixes via email. Discuss on reddit. Support on Ko-fi.
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